Value Engineering

DRWPEPC staff review building plans and specifications to identify alternatives that will offer cost savings to the Owner.

Conditions Assessment

After completion of probes and an investigation, DRWPEPC provides a conditions assessment (survey) report, including observations and any maintenance or replacement work required to correct the building’s problem.

Expert Witness & Testimony

Daniel R. Wacks, P.E. P.C. principals provide expert witness testimony for Owners, property managers and other professionals regarding building façade and construction issues.

DRWPEPC works with qualified building permit expeditors to enable Owners to obtain building approvals, permits and sign-offs as quickly as possible.

Landmark buildings require pre-approval from the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission before a DOB permit can be obtained. DRWPEPC knows the steps required to obtain an LPC permit as is well versed in the process.

Municipal Agency Permits

DRWPEPC performs test cuts, probes and investigative analysis to gather information and to obtain samples for testing.

The results of this testing and analysis determine the course of action. The extent of defective and deteriorated building materials are identified as well as what historical construction methods were used. Inadequate prior remedial or restorative work will be discovered.

Investigations and Probes

Plans and Specifications (Construction documents) are prepared for submission to municipal agencies. These documents enable the owner to competitively bid out their project and perform the work.

DRWPEPC has substantial experience integrating current building techniques with historic structures.

Plans and Specifications